About Me


about me

I was born on the Great Hungarian Plain, so I am extremely fascinated by the endless view from the top of the vineyard. What did I bring with me from home? I spent my childhood with flowers and animals, in vineyards, orchards, greenhouses – this is where I inherited the love of Nature from. And perhaps my vitality as well, since life is harder on the plain, and it also means less glory.

I was interested in many aspects of agriculture until I started seeing who I am going to turn into (I used to study to become a gardener). In the beginning I was more interested in things that we didn’t have at home, only after several adventurous turns I did get back to the grapes and wine. Luckily, because if the viticulturist-winemaker engineering training was left out of my life I would have missed out on unforgettable years and friendships that continue to this day. We had a legendary grade, even though we mainly went next to school, rather than to school, yet, after wild but cool years we all ended up on our feet, doing well in the profession.

My years of wandering abroad came to an end due to an unmissable opportunity. I arrived in Villány with the harvest of ‘99. I was almost still a fledgling when I started to work on a forward-looking, fantastic-minded estate, and I was the chief winemaker of the Vylyan Winery until 2021. We have come a long way together in these 22 years, for which I will be grateful forever. During this time the Villány wine region became part of my life, as I have been pointed the president of the Siklós Tenkes Wine Community.

Even though I started to build my own estate back in 2009, the idea of change & slowing down – ripened in 2021. It was not an easy decision, but Vylyan Winery & my family (4 kids), my own vineyard ended up being too much and I had to let something go. I made it to the point for me to be in one place at a time, so I could focus all my time and energy on my estate. I ended up putting down the conductor’s wand, and after a 120-member choir, I now am getting the most out of two soloists.
I am occupied not only by the tasks of the estate, I am driven by eternal curiosity, so I also provide professional advice and take part actively in the life of the Villány Wine Region. Out of professional excitement I am the chief winemaker by the Research Institute Viticulture and Enology of the University of Pécs.

I have built, created (estate, children :), now I “just” want to develop, not grow. Let’s dare to be small. I don’t want more, just to bring the best out of everything.

I find it important to involve my children in the world of grapes, not only to pass on the professional knowledge, but also the honor of manual work. I hope this will help them on their way to become men.



How was the wine that was drunk in ancient times? The answer is in this bottle.
The birth of the Időtlen (means Timeless) was a real experiment, an intellectual challenge in 2021, and its arrival was a great success.

inni jó

My younger son Vencel tasted a sip and said, it feels good to drink, then my eldest, Vince, pondered on ‘Drinking is good!’ - so my three year old instinctively articulated the essence we all have been working towards for generations.

nászút helyett

To the joy of the family, I used the money put aside for the honeymoon to buy this vineyard. I ‘had to’, it was love at first sight, the world expands for me here and everything just fits into these barely two hectares. This little estate has been the constantly renewing symbol of togetherness, challenge, and happiness for us.

ég és föld között

The symbolism of 'Between Heaven and Earth' is not only the philosophy of the estate, but also the name of a long envisioned wine, which was finally born as a 2019 super premium Villányi Franc.


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